
5 Most Common Retail Worker Injuries

Most people envision workplace accidents as those caused in industrial environments. However, a more vulnerable group of people is prone to get hurt on the job. This group is the retail store employees. Retail workers face some of the highest injury rates because they are exposed to a variety of hazards every day.

Therefore, workplace safety has become a top priority for retailers who want to ensure their employees are safe on the job. Retail store employees work in a fast-paced environment where they spend long hours standing and doing repetitive tasks, exposing them to potential accidents.

They ensure that stores are tidy, clean, and well-maintained, making them a safe place for customers to shop. Injured retail workers are less productive and may cost a company in the long run. According to statistics, these common injuries have high payouts for their claims. Here are five common retail worker injuries.

1. Musculoskeletal Injuries

The most common retail worker injuries are musculoskeletal injuries. These injuries occur when employees lift heavy items or use the wrong lifting techniques. They affect most workers in service stations and convenience stores. Typically, injured retail workers exhibit pain in their shoulders, arms, back, and hands and subsequently experience painful swelling and inflammation.

2. Fractures and Broken Bones

Injured retail workers will experience fractures and broken bones due to slipping on slippery or wet floors, tripping over items on cluttered aisles, and falling due to uneven parking lots or walkways. The injuries will, however, depend on the magnitude of the accident. For instance, falling from the high ground like scaffolding or a ladder will result in more serious fractures or broken bones. In addition, workers can be injured when hit by moving or falling items in the workplace. These injuries can also result in bruises.

3. Scrapes and Cuts

If retail workers frequently use cutting tools like box cutters or knives to open packaging or boxes, they are prone to experiencing cuts and scrapes. The accidents can range from minor scrapes to severe lacerations that require the injured retail worker to seek emergency medical help.

4. Strain Injuries

The retail environment often requires workers to perform tasks that strain some body parts repetitively, leading to repetitive strain injuries. Such injuries often cause inflammation and pain in the worker’s wrists, hands, and arms. This can eventually cause carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. These injuries are among the top-paid injury group and result in the most time away from work.

5. Backaches and Leg Cramps

Depending on your job in the retail environment, you are prone to leg cramps and backaches at some point. For instance, cashiers stand for over five hours daily and may experience lower-body muscle cramps leading to severe backaches and leg cramps. 


Retail employers must provide and maintain a safe environment for their workers to enhance productivity. This may require them to provide relevant workplace training and enforce the set safety standards. As a result, the workers are guaranteed a safe workplace, and injured retail workers can get proper compensation.

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